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【时间】 12月19日,星期五, 12:30—14:00
【主讲人】:Nick Feltovich (Monash University)
【主题】:How does the effect of communication vary with group size? Experimental evidence from a threshold public-good game
【摘要】:Numerous studies have examined factors influencing the likelihood of cooperative outcomes in nonzero-sum games, but there has been little study of the interaction between two of the most important: group size and communication. We report results from an experiment in which groups of size between 2 and 15 play a one-shot multi-player threshold public-good game. In our full communication treatment, all group members write a cheap-talk message, with one randomly chosen to be sent. In a choice only treatment, subjects write messages but none is sent, and in a baseline treatment, there are no messages at all. We find a significant negative interaction between the group size and the presence/content of communication: the beneficial effect of communication on cooperation, cooperative outcomes, and payoffs decreases sharply as the group size increases. Our results suggest that care should be taken in generalising conclusions from small-group experiments to large groups.
Nicholas J. Feltovich是Monash大学经济系教授,主要研究实验经济学、行为经济学、博弈论与产业组织理论。Feltovich教授在如International Economic Review、Games and Economic Behavior等国际知名杂志发表论文近50篇。
中国人民大学经济学院 2014年12月16日