[组织经济学Seminar]Platform Entry with Behavior-Based Price Discrimination

         组织经济学Seminar          总第102期          【OE201812】      
      组织经济学(Organizational Economics)Seminar由中国人民大学企业与组织研究中心(CFOS)主办。          
         时间:11月21日(周三)中午12:00-13:30          地点:人大明德主楼734教室          主讲:刘小鲁(中国人民大学经济学院副教授)          主持:李三希(中国人民大学经济学院副教授)          主题:Platform Entry with Behavior-Based Price Discrimination          
         摘要:We study a two-period model where a seller lists a new product on a platform in period 1, and in period 2 the platform enters the same market with third-degree price discrimination based on consumers` purchasing history. The model stresses two asymmetries: (i) only the platform can price discriminate; (ii) consumers strictly prefer purchasing from the platform, with other things being equal. The analysis shows that, depending on transportation cost of purchasing from the seller, there are two types of pure strategy equilibria where the seller either loses high-transportation-cost customers or the entire market. Compared with uniform pricing, the platform is better off with price discrimination, and so is social welfare. Moreover, the seller is not necessarily worse off under price discrimination, as it can take advantage of consumers` strategic movements in the first period.                     
      中国人民大学经济学院          人大企业与组织研究中心          人大微观数据与实证方法研究中心          2018年11月16日