
       5月15日下午,由经济学院能源经济系主办的能源经济研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)第五十九期会议在经济学院明德商学楼0310举行。来自宾州州立大学地球与矿物科学学院能源与环境经济学教授Andrew N. Kleit进行了题为“Issues in energy land management”的学术报告。

       在研讨会中,Andrew N. Kleit主要为与会者介绍了美国各州对于energy land的买卖的相关政策及现状,深入分析了energy land买卖中天然气厂商、交易中间人、土地所有者的行为。之后Andrew将与会者分成不同身份,模拟energy land的交易过程中三方的博弈,使与会者在实验中理解交易中不同利益群体的行为。



       主讲人简介:Professor Kleit`s role in the Penn State is to research and teach the interaction of weather and economic markets. His current research focuses on weather risk management and electricity markets. His teaching interests include weather risk management and the economic implications of weather while his research specialties include weather risk, and research interests in weather risk management, performance of electricity markets, the impact of regulation. Professor Kleit is the Program Officer of the EMS College’s undergraduate major in Energy Business and Finance, and the minor in Global Business Strategy.
