主题:What Happens When Employers Can No Longer Discriminate in Job Ads? Evidence from a Chinese Job Board
主讲人:Kailing Shen,Research School of Economics, ANU
摘要:We study what happened when employers’ explicit gender requests were unexpectedly removed overnight from a Chinese job board, on March 1, 2019. We show that the ban raised the share of women in the pool of successful applicants to jobs that previously requested men (M jobs) by 63 percent, and raised men’s share in F jobs by 146 percent. The main mechanism for both these effects was through application behaviour-- conditional on applying, workers’ chances of success in gender-mismatched jobs did not change much after the ban. We do not detect any negative, unintended consequences of the ban for either firms or workers.
主讲人简介:Kailing Shen is Associate Professor of Economics. Her research focuses on empirical or policy-related labor market issues. Examples include, but are not limited to, effects of information technology on labour market, unemployment insurance, job search and matching behavior, discrimination, gender differentials, income inequality, higher education, migration, marriage and intergenerational relationship. Kailing’s research is published in a number of leading economics journals including Journal of Labor Economics , Journal of Comparative Economics , Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Development Economics and the Quarterly Journal of Economics. Summaries of Kailing’s research are also published by VoxDev, VoxChina among others.