  • 办公室:北楼区106
  • 职称/职务:副教授
  • 办公电话:
  • 电子邮箱:tsihow AT gmail.com
  • 研究领域:马克思主义政治经济学 后凯恩斯主义经济学 劳工 金融化 分配 中国经济




2004-2008 中国人民大学经济学院 经济学专业 经济学学士 

2008-2010 中国人民大学经济学院 政治经济学专业 经济学硕士

2010-2015 马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校(University of Massachusetts Amherst)经济系 经济学专业 经济学博士


2014年9月-2019年7月 中国人民大学经济学院 讲师

2019年8月至今 中国人民大学经济学院 副教授


Research Associate, Asian Political Economy Program, Political Economy Research Institute, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Editorial Board, Competition & Change


Nogueira, Isabela and Hao Qi. 2019. The State and Domestic Capitalists in China's Economic Transition: From Great Compromise to Strained Alliance. Critical Asian Studies, accepted.
Qi, Hao and David M. Kotz. 2019. The Impact of State-Owned Enterprises on China’s Economic Growth. Review of Radical Political Economics, DOI: 10.1177/0486613419857249.
Qi, Hao and Zhongjin Li. 2019. Putting Precarity Back to Production: A Case Study of Didi Kuaiche Drivers in the City of Nanjing, China. Review of Radical Political Economics, accepted.
Qi, Hao. 2019. Semi-Proletarianization in a Dual Economy: The Case of China. Review of Radical Political Economics, accepted.
Qi, Hao and Zhongjin Li. 2019. Giovanni Arrighi in Beijing: The Historical Transformation of the Labor Supply in Rural China of the Reform Era. Science & Society, accepted.
Qi, Hao. 2018. “Distribution according to Work”: An Historical Analysis of the Incentive System in China’s State-owned Sector. Review of Radical Political Economics, 50(2): 409-426.
Qi, Hao. 2018. The Historical Peak of the Rate of Surplus Value and the “New Normal” of the Chinese Economy: A Political Economy Analysis. Review of Contemporary Economics, 22(1): 1-22.
Qi, Hao. 2017. Dynamics of the Rate of Surplus Value and the “New Normal” of the Chinese Economy. Research in Political Economy, 32: 105-129.
Li, Zhongjin and Hao Qi. 2014. Labor Process and the Social Structure of Accumulation in China. Review of Radical Political Economics, 46(4): 481-488.
Qi, Hao. 2014. Distribution and Social Transition at Tonggang: China’s Workers under Socialism, under ‘Reform’, and Today. Aspects in India’s Economy, no.59-60: 71-85. Reprinted in Gao, Mobo, Dongping Han and Hao Qi. 2015. Remembering Socialist China, 1949-1976. SIRD.
Qi, Hao. 2014. The Labor Share Question in China. Monthly Review, 65(8): 23-35.