  • 办公室:明德主楼617D
  • 职称/职务:副教授
  • 办公电话:010-82500378
  • 电子邮箱:huiminshiATruc.edu.cn
  • 研究领域:国际经济


Ph.D., Economics, The Ohio State University, USA, 2012

M.A., Economics, The Ohio State University, USA, 2007

B.A., Economics, Renmin University of China, China, 2006


Assistant Professor, Renmin University of China, September 2012-Present

Areas of Specialization

International Trade,

Economic Growth,

Chinese Economy


  1. “Technology, Migration Barriers, and Structural Change in China,” with Zheng Jiang, Accepted, Journal of Comparative Economics

  2. “The Missing Trade of China: Balls and Bins Model,” with Zheng Jiang, Accepted, Empirical Economics

Professional Experience

Referee for the Journal of Comparative Economic (2), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, International Review of Economics and Finance.

Working Papers

  1. “Trade Liberalization and Exports Promotion: A Dynamic and Heterogeneous Analysis under the Case of Chile” with Ruohan Wu, Revise and Resubmit, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

  2. “Tax Evasion through Trade Intermediation: Evidence from China” with Xuepeng Liu, Michael Ferrantino, Submitted

  3. “Decreasing Marginal Product of Capital: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms,” with Zheng Jiang, Submitted

  4. “Ad Valorem Variable Trade Cost of China,” with Zheng Jiang, Submitted

  5. “The Cream Rises to the Top: Selection and Resource Allocations by Entry and Exit”, with Zheng Jiang, Submitted Huimin Shi, 

  6. “Tax Evasion through Re-Routing: Evidence from Chinese Exporters”, with Xuepeng Liu, Working Paper

  7. “Fertility across Chinese Provinces: The Role of Social Security,” with Zheng Jiang, Work in Progress

  8. “Antidumping and FDI: Evidence from Chinese Color TV Industry” with Xiaosong Wang, Zheng Jiang, Work in Progress

Fellowships, Awards, and Honors

Talented Research Grant, Renmin Univeristy of China, 2014-2016

New Faculty Start-Up Research Grant, Renmin Univeristy of China, 2012-2015

International Conference Travel Grant, Renmin Univeristy of China, 2013, 2015

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Research Travel Grant, The Ohio State University 2011

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Grant for Graduate Student Research in Economics, The Ohio Huimin Shi, May 2015

State University 2010 First-Class Undergraduate Scholarship, Renmin University of China, 2002-2006

Teaching Experience

  1. Principles of Macroeconomics: Undergraduate, The Ohio State University, 2010, 2011, 2012 Undergraduate, Renmin University of China, 2012-2015

  2. Principles of Microeconomics: Undergraduate, The Ohio State University, 2010, 2011, 2012 Undergraduate, Renmin University of China, 2012-2015

  3. Intermediate Macroeconomics Undergraduate, The Ohio State University

  4. International Economics Literature Graduate, Renmin University of China

Conference/Seminar Presentations

Macro Lunch Workshop, Department of Economics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA, March 2010, 2011

The Midwest Economic Association, St. Louis, USA, 2011

The Midwest Economic Association International Economics Group, Nashville, Tennessee , USA, 2011

The Midwest Economic Association, Columbus OH, 2013

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 2013

The 2014 China Meeting of the Econometric Society, Xiamen University, June 2014

The Eighth RUC-Hangyang Joint Symposium on East Asia Economic Development and Policy Change, Renmin University of China, May 2015

Consulting Experience

1. “Promoting Financial Innovation in Infrastructure of APEC Area,” APEC Renmin University of China Forum, 2014.

Software Skills

SAS, Stata, Microsoft Office, Latex